The Walkact

Musical walkact / mobile band

Take a marching band and cut it down so that only two remain - as a duo.

Instead of wind instruments and drums, imagine electric guitar and modern, rocking beats. Add to that a good dose of glamour, rock'n'roll and visual comedy. There it is: the “mobile band” aka. the musical walk act that ensures fun and a good mood.

This mobile music program feels most at home at trade fairs, festivals, city festivals and large-scale events.

Rock 'n' roll on the run

While other program items take place on stages or at a fixed location, this musical walk act is a mobile, musical program in which the entire site becomes a potential venue. As an entertaining walking act, you can interact with visitors and guests walking around, the music can generate attention (e.g. for certain exhibition stands, etc.) and visitors can be lured somewhere in a targeted manner. An ideal trade fair show!

The equipment (instruments, self-sufficient music amplifier) ​​for this funny, musical walking act is worn on the person. This results in a modern, flexible entertainment program, which leaves positive memories for visitors.

Sounds good?

ideal for:

  • large events (e.g. festivals, open air)
  • fair trade attractions
  • "on side" entertainment
