The show duo - hello!

Rock’n’Roll Comedy – the show duo with hula hoops and electric guitar!

Make way for the crazy show girl & the rocking showmaker!

Ms. Italia loves to be in the spotlight and let her expression run free. Although she is probably the most unmusical conductor in the music business, she still manages to get people dancing to her tune. ⭕

Mr. Rockalicious – the cool guy – completes the duo. He may not be an acrobat, but he does musical somersaults on his golden guitar. He's not a man of big words, but he has rock'n'roll in his blood. 🎸

Alone they are strong, but together they form an unbeatable team. They love to rock for a good cause: breaking down barriers, connecting people and promoting participation - that is their mission.


Festivalkünstler | Messekünstler | professionelle Straßenkünstler | Streetartist | Busker | Walkact | Musikcomedy | musikalischer Walkact